Company Profile
The company was established in 1960. Its main activities were importation and marketing of mining and quarrying equipment. In 1980, when the white silica sand of Zafarana zone was discovered, our company was the pioneer to excavate in this area and we got the best location and the largest premises. Since that date, our company is covering all the required needs of local manufacturers of glass and crystal as well as our export department that fulfills external orders.
Quarry Location
The total area of the quarry is 800.000 sq. meters It is located at Zafarana zone, in El-Dakhel valley. It is distant from Cairo about 350 Km and it is also near to the ports of export on the Red Sea (Adabia, Sokhna) and on the Mediterranean Sea (Port Said, Damietta, Alexandria)
Since our premises are reaching a total area of 800 000 sq. meters our reserves are estimated to be around 12 million cubic meters of pure Silica Sand
Our sites

Our management
outcomes to deliver places that respond.